Got a thirst for a bargain? Then grab a $8 schooner of Hard Rated at Campbell & George!
To redeem your app exclusive offer, download our C&G Rewards App following the steps below and head to the ‘offers’ tab.
- Simply, download the C&G Rewards app from your Apple App Store or Google Play.
- Sign up to create an account using your Campbell & George membership details.
- Once you’ve created your account, we’ll send you an email to verify your account details (be sure to check your junk mail).
- Log in and start enjoying C&G Rewards all from the palm of your hand
App-only offer expires 6/10/2024
Download our C&G Rewards App
App-only offer. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Only available for a limited time. Redeem the offer by presenting the offer barcode at point of sale before payment has been made. No change given. One use only per transaction per a day. Offer must be used in a single transaction. Offer may be revoked for any reason in Campbell & George’s discretion.
Don’t waste tomorrow, drink responsibly.